Is Social Media Good for you?

Is Social Media Good for you?

Hi guys, Welcome to another blog. In today's blog, we are going to talk about Social Media. Well, Many of us use social media to connect socially through the internet using big giants sites like Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp. Although, Whenever the name 'Social Media' arises facebook comes first because as per data Facebook is the biggest social media site and major social media sites are owned by Facebook like the most popular Instagram and Whatsapp. Although, Whatsapp doesn't come under social media because it is a chatting app with your saved contacts.

And many youngsters start using social media in their early teens. Basically, India has more Facebook users compared to users in the USA or other countries. Now, internet users in India are increasing day-by-day because of free internet revolution by Jio. According to data, India can reach internet users 400 million to 800 million by the year 2020 and this is just because of the Jio.

And many new people start internet to use social media but have you ever thought that Is Social Media Good for you? Well, Today's blog is all about this only. I'm gonna be sharing my thoughts Is Social Media Good for you and if How?

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Is Social Media Good for you?

Well, I'm not saying that social media is not good for you. Social Media is today's great platform to satisfy our needs as well as for entertainment purpose. Many of us think that Social media is just for chatting and wasting time but that's not fully true. Social Media is just like a tool or a platform to connect socially through the internet for a different purpose. Like -  

  • A businessman uses social media for his business purpose.
  • An actor uses social media to influence people.
  • Teenagers use social media to waste their time or to study different types of people, influencers.
While there are endless reasons a person uses social media but the most common is wasting time and that thing arises a question Is Social Media Good for you?

Is Social Media Good for you?

Well, Before creating an account on the social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other big social media sites you should ask a question from yourself is it necessary to join social media at this time or else I should wait for the correct time.

Now, I cannot answer this question because it's your choice, your time, your life but remember the way you invest the way you get a return. If you start using social media just because your friends using social media then be alert because you are just one step closer to ruin your life I mean to waste your time, your efforts, your potential, and your hard work.

I mean, I think it is not mandatory to waste your time, your efforts, everything just from social media, you can also spend your time with your loved ones or beloved friends.

Starting using Social media to spend my free time

Well, Many new users say that we have started using social media just because to spend our free time but if you ask from me 'Is it right to start using social media to spend our free time?'. Well No, Because if you want to do big things in your life whether it is on Business, Job, Family, School anything you have to be passionate and learner. 

The learner doesn't mean learning from books or notebooks. You should be passionate to gain new knowledge about whether it is from social media, the internet, or through books. Knowledge never goes waste but your time can go to waste if you don't ask the question from yourself that why I'm doing this? Is it god for you? As I have titled this blog Is Social Media God for you - I can't answer this question because social media is a great place to share our thoughts, views about anything but for those who waste their time in social media, then it is not good for you. Because you are not learning from social media.

What things I can learn from Social media?

Well, there is no limit to gaining knowledge. You can acquire knowledge from uneducated or from an educated person only the thing you have to invest your time, your will, your efforts to understand and implement that knowledge or experience in your practical life or secondary life. 

Now, the question arises that what things you can learn from 'Social Media'? If you ask from me what things I have learned using Social Media? My answer would be:

  • I have learned how to influence people by learning from other great influencers.
  • I have learned Digital Marketing.
  • I have learned how to talk to people through chat option.
  • I have learned how to increase our business through social media.
Only the thing I haven't learned is to how to waste my time. Sorry, If you get offended but that's reality. Seriously, If you can answer this tough question that Is this the right time or else I should wait for the right time? Why I'm doing this? These are the most important question you should ask from yourself before starting anything. No one can answer this question for you cuz all the things is yours - your time, your efforts, your potential, your everything, even your data.

Likewise, You have invested money in a company before asking these most important questions, I guarantee you will suffer a big loss and that thing is related in your real life as well. *ALWAYS REMEBER* The way you invest the way you will get a return. It can take time. But if you ask these most important question there are fewer chances that you can suffer loss. Also, Asking these self-answered question can prevent you suffering from big loss.

I think the question you have searched on the internet can't get the answer because the internet is not going to make your career, your life, you are going to make your life. Social Media is just a platform provided to make your task a little bit easier but it cannot make your life. The way you use they way you get results. There is no restriction to start using social media at an early age only the thing is that you should how to use it for your welfare for your better growth and for better results. 

I think Social media is not bad rather it is more useful for learners and great people but for the fool people it is too bad as the junk food bad for our health.

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