Your Instagram Account Hacked? How?

Everyone is using social media to interact with different types of people in the world. Like in Instagram whether you are using Instagram for sharing your photos, videos, or anything like that. Many of you enjoy the Instagram platform comparatively to facebook. Many of you don't know that hackers can easily hack your Instagram account if you don't take care of it.  By the way, I'm not a hacker or a cybersecurity expert to tell you about in more detail. By the way, most of the people say that Instagram is easy to hack comparatively to other social media platforms. Many experts say that it's easy to hack Instagram account because to get the login to your Instagram account you just have to type your username which is visible to everyone. Many of you have your Instagram password like your name, number, class name, nickname, or anything these type of passwords can easily be cracked just because you can easily guess these type of password. That's what hacker do if you are not in this cybersecurity field you may don't know there are many hacking scripts available to hack the Instagram account. Like there's a python script to hack the Instagram account.

How hacker hacks your Instagram account using python script?

That's very important to know that how your Instagram can be hacked using python script?
Also, many of you wondering that in this way every Instagram account can be hacked. No, there are some precautions to cure this problem. We'll talk about some precautions as well as some awesome tips so that you can save your account from being hacked.
You can see the picture below-showing python script:

What actually hackers do with this script?

As I have told above that keeping your password like name, number etc. These type of password can be easily guessed that what actually hackers do. Basically, hackers make a text file containing thousands of password relating to user-name, Python script read all password from the text file and try to connect with its username. If the script finds the password that connects with its username, then the game is over! Basically, This is the game of guessing. This script technique also called as 'Dictionary Attack'.
To prevent this, set your password which includes number, codes, upper case, lower case letters and your password should be of minimum 10-12 characters. Just set your password which cannot be guessed by anyone.

What are the precautions we should take while using Instagram?

As you know that for every problem there is a solution, the only thing is, we have to find the solution and apply. 
Before moving on let's talk about are there any other ways from which my Instagram account can be hacked?
Yes, the following are more ways that a hacker can use to get access to your Instagram account:-

1. Hacking Instagram using Phishing

Hey, this is not a new thing. If you don't know about phishing just click here. If the script doesn't work probably hacker will try phishing method to get access into your account. Basically, phishing is a social engineering technique, the hacker will mail you giving subject that we have noticed an unusual activity from your Instagram account, sometime's says that your account can be hacked, kindly change your Instagram account password so, that your account won't hacked. Many of your click the link and change your password. *REMEMBER* Sometimes the links are provided in the mail is fake which is sent by a hacker to get access into your account. Whenever you receive this type of mail click the link but don't change password first, See the URL of the link if you see the original link like or it can be a fake link like just see the picture below:-

Now, when you type your old password in the fake link page, hackers use your old password to get login into your Instagram account.

3.  Keylogger, Trojan, RAT

Yes, Hacker can hack your account using Keyloggers. Whether it is Gmail, Facebook, Twitter etc. For basic information, keylogger is a technique of keyboard capturing. Whatever you type for example- Your Username, Password, Credit card number anything which is linked to your privacy. How it can enter in my phone?  Through cracked software or viruses. You should not download any application on your phone from third party websites because it can include those scripts which can get accessed to your phone or pc without any user interaction. If you love to download apps and games download it from Play Store. It's a safe zone!

4. Through Wi-Fi

As there are less chances that a hacker would choose this method to hack your Instagram account. You should not use free Wi-Fi. If you want to use, use it for entertainment purpose. Don't use free Wi-Fi for doing net banking, online shopping just because it's public your private information can be accessed by a Wi-Fi owner. So, don't use free Wi-Fi.

5. Through Instagram server

We cannot say everything is full secured whether it is google, youtube, facebook or twitter anything can be hacked. In this method, hackers hack the whole Instagram system means Instagram server. In this, you cannot do anything because your account is not hacked the whole system has been hacked. But there are very very less chances of this method.

What should I do if my Instagram account has been hacked? How can I save it?

In this situation, your full account has been hacked everything has been changed a username, email, phone number everything. Now, if you are in this situation go to the Instagram report page. You can see the picture below:-

Report your issue, you have to upload your id like for Indian users aadhar card, for identity verification. Now, report your issue that my account has been hacked or someone using my photos on their Instagram page after 24 hours they will review your issue if an anything founds wrong they will delete that Instagram page.

Now, you are aware that how your Instagram account can be hacked. Do comment your opinions below.