What is Micro Blogging? How to earn money from micro blogging?

Hi Guys, Welcome to another blog, Today we are going to talk about blogging. Hey! I'm not going to give an introduction to blogging except Micro-Blogging. Well, Micro-Blogging is a great topic or niche to start your career with blogging. Also, Many of us don't know how you can earn money from microblogging. As you can earn money from blogging but compare to microblogging not that much enough. Guys, don't get confused blogging and microblogging are both same they are the brothers.

Now, Let's know that what is microblogging and how you can earn money from microblogging in a big way or amount.

What is Micro Blogging?

Guys, Many of us know that what blogging is. If not, Comment below I'll make another article including the full introduction to 'Blogging'.

Blogging is way another different. One blog can cover up to 5 categories, not more than that because of Google can penalize you in this, and your monetization can get disabled. 

MicroBlogging is just inverse of blogging. In microblogging, you just focus on one particular niche and sub-niche or sub-categories of one particular category. Likewise, Service support blogs. They just focus on one niche that is customer support.

Another meaning of microblogging is that writing small or frequent posts. Microblogging is way different in consistency compared to normal blogging. Microblogging can end up within a few posts means not more than 20 posts or minimum. 

I think it is not necessary to know more about microblogging its just a basic introduction to microblogging. 

How to earn money from microblogging?

Earlier we have talked about the basics of microblogging. Now, let's talkt that how you can earn money from microblogging.

As there is not a secret method to earn money from microblogging. Also, it's not hard to start microblogging except blogging. But there are some certain methods or precaution you should consider before starting your career in microblogging. As you know that it's not easy to earn money from blogging. 

Also, I'm going to give some steps to get success in blogging. According to data, Google doesn't approve microblogs very easily because they don't follow their terms and conditions to get approval from Google.

There is no other method to earn money from blogging. Microblogging is just like you earn money from normal blogging. 

Ways you can earn money from blogging

  • Placing an advertisement from Google Adsense.
  • Through sponsorships. Many brands offer the bloggers to sponsor their blog or article.
  • Through Affiliate marketing. Because of the internet craze, e-commerce industry offers the blogger to promote the product on their blog. If the customers buy from the blog. Bloggers get a commission from it.
  • Own advertising
  • Short links
As there are various methods that a blogger can earn money from their blog. But Microblogging doesn't support many ways that we have talked recently.

Ways you can earn money from microblogging

  • Placing an advertisement. Like banner ads, header ads etc.
  • short links.
  • own advertising. Sometimes the blogger doesn't prefer to choose this method to earn money from microblogging cuz microblogging means not more than 20 posts or minimum. Posts are small and written in a frequent manner.
Many of you wondering that why not sponsorships? Why we can't get paid from sponsorships through microblogging. Guys, If you have read the introduction correctly of microblogging. It states that microblogging means focusing on one particular niche and sub-niche of that main niche (topic) and the posts are frequent means small posts. Always remember that the consistency is not important in microblogging as important in normal multiple niche blogging, And that's what the brands don't like, brands want those type of blogs in which the audience are engaged and connected from that blog and that's why the brands more prefer to YouTubers because YouTubers can create a bonding with viewer or subscriber just because YouTuber is also a normal person and viewer as well.

Always remember before starting Blogging or MicroBlogging

Now, Earning money from blogging is not that much easy as you think just because of the competition in the blogging industry. But, This doesn't mean that you cannot get success in the blogging industry. Always remember that success doesn't come from fame or money it comes from you if you wanna do it, of course, you can! you just have to learn about the basics and start following your passion in a practical way. Also, I'm gonna be listing some tricks or tips you should apply if you are beginning your career in blogging or in any other field this might be very helpful if you really gonna consider it.

Tips and tricks to earn money from microblogging and get success in microblogging

Hey! Success doesn't mean that you are an expert on a particular field it means that how you are dedicating and doing your work on a particular field. You can get success in multiple fields but it's not that way easy as it sounds. Just take it seriously!

  • Patience. You may hear of this word 'Patience' it sounds like boring but its more important as our work is important. Without patience, you cannot achieve anything in this universe. According to professionals in blogging, they highly advise that you should have patience on whatever you are doing whether it is blogging, business or anything.
  • Don't make money as your main motive in any field. I'll agree that money is needed to survive in this planet but remember if you make money as your first motive you cannot do your work correctly cuz your mindset is dedicated towards money. My friend money can come from any field it can from vegetable seller or from business. Your expectations decide your goal and success.
  • Invest your precious time and money. Always remember investing your time gives you return as of how you have invested your time.
  • Interest - If you having interest in any field just go for it don't wait or else your batting will go away. Don't try blogging to get famous or to get rich. Yes, Blogging can give all of those things you want but as per how you have invested in it.
Now, Identify your knowledge and express it through your blog, website or YouTube. "Your Choice My Advice".


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  1. Man its a nice to read ur blogs n content u r giving here...I'm totally impressed with ur knowledge n the way u write.
    Hope u will get good support n success, in the way u r going on.....
    Keep going man.


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