Best Alternatives to Earn Money from YouTube

Best Alternatives to earn money from YouTube

Hi Guys, Welcome to another blog. In today's blog, we are going to talk about the best alternatives to earn money from youtube. Well, As you know that YouTube has made such changes in their monetization policy earlier this year. Before year on April, youtube has made a small change in their policy that to earn money from your videos through advertisement, creators have to surpass the monetization criteria to enable the monetization on their youtube channel.

But the first policy has been failed because of too much of spam on youtube platform occurred because of this policy. On January 2018, YouTube again announces that they have made major changes in their monetization policy if the creator wants to earn money from their youtube videos through advertisements they have to surpass 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers in the previous twelve months to enable monetization on their youtube channel.

Now, For the new creators its sounds like 'Oh it is impossible for me' But, I'm here to give some best alternatives to earn money from your youtube videos, more than you can earn from advertisements. But, Seriously if you ask from me, it is so easy for the passionate creator to surpass the new monetization criteria but if you are on youtube because of money. Then you should try these 4 best alternatives to earn money from youtube. 

Best Alternatives to earn money from YouTube

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4. Short Links

Well, If you don't know about Short links. Let's go ahead that what is Short Links? How we earn money from our youtube video through short links. Seriously I can give little much of introduction to short links. 

What is Short Link? How you can earn money from Short Links on YouTube?

Well, it's much easier to understand that it sounds like. If you are new to YouTube probably you may don't know that what is a short link? But, If you are not a new creator most probably that you are aware of the topic Short link. 

As you know that there are too much long links you insert on your video description on youtube and cuz of this it makes your video description too much untidy or dirty. So, There is some website which provides the facility to shorten your link in just about 15 characters. There are some best shorten link websites link and much more. But with this, you cannot earn money from short links they just facilitate you to shorten your long URL. 

But because of this, there are some websites which provide you with the same features and facility also gives the opportunity to earn money from shortening links.

How you can earn money from short links?

Well, I think that it is not that much necessary to know about that how short link works? But, I'll give you little much knowledge about how you can earn money from shortening long URL's. Likewise, this is the long URL of my blog - but when I shorten this link Now, you can see that how short link works. Well, I have used to shorten the URL of my blog. 

Best Short Link websites from which you can earn money.

These are the best and genuine websites from which you can earn money by shortening your URL. If you want a full article about how to earn money from short links on youtube or blog then do comment below or also you can contact me here.

3. Merchandise

It may not suit you. Well, A creator can earn unlimited money from merchandise technique but only the thing is that you need an audience that follows you, that listen to you like technical guruji audience. If your subscribers or followers love you they will buy your product like in merchandise they will buy your brand products whether it can be your own designed shirts, sneakers, watches, or anything which you can design and sell.

This is not applicable to the new creators just because in the starting period they don't have any audience. But after you get famous on youtube or any other platform you can create your own merchandise and can earn money unlimited money depending on your audience reach.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Probably you may hear of that what is affiliate marketing? and how you can earn money from affiliate marketing? Well, It's a very vast topic. I think one book cannot explain everything about 'Affiliate Marketing'. Just because you can only learn about affiliate marketing by gaining experience in a practical way. 

If you want to know more in detail about the term 'Affiliate Marketing'. Just comment down below.

How to earn money from affiliate marketing on youtube?

You just have to create your affiliate account on any trusted website. Some of them are:-

There is more some e-commerce website which provides you affiliate program but these are the most trusted and used in India. So, you should consider this only.

1. Sponsorship

You must hear of it that what is 'Sponsorship'. Well, if not do comment below to know more in detail the term 'Sponsorship on YouTube'.

As Influencer, We know that to market the product Brands takes help of Influencers who influence their product to their audience whether it is on online industry or commercial industry like Television. But because of internet growth rate in India Big brands more prefer to market their product in the online industry with the help of social media whether it is Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Brands consider more into influencer just because the influencer is the only person who has the direct bonding wither their followers through YouTube or any other Social media platforms. Only the thing is you should have more than 5000 followers or subscribers to get sponsorships. 

As more audience you will have brands will pay more to you. Likewise, the top influencers like BB ki Vines, Technical Guruji, Beer Biceps and many more viewers listen to them that what they are saying and follow them and that's the thing brands want. So, Always remember sponsorships can make you rich. 

There are more alternatives from which you can earn money from your youtube videos. But these are the most profitable. Always remember if you want to earn money, you have to invest whether it is money, time or hardwork or anything. *, REMEMBER* As you Invest you will get a return on you investing basis.


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