Top 5 Facts About YouTube!

Top Five Facts About YouTube

Hi, Guys Welcome to another blog, Today's blog is all about facts from which you are unclear. Now, Many of us use different products from Google and the most famous YouTube.

YouTube is an online video broadcasting and streaming platform. When youtube was started it wasn't like this that today we are seeing. It was completely different.

Let's take a look that how YouTube looks when it was started. Let's go back to 13 years ago.
The image you are seeing below is the first youtube theme when it was launched.

Let's take a look at the facts that you didn't know about YouTube!

5. YouTube Users

Now, Many of us use YouTube as an entertainment platform. But you don't know that about 1/3 of the world population uses YouTube. Not creators but users who watch the video. According to the data about 1.4 billion users are active every month and that's about more than the India population.
Now, you guys are thinking that how many channels are on youtube? According to data, there are more than 1 billion channels on youtube. Don't wonder, Only about 60 to70% of channels creates content on youtube regularly. 

Also, the numbers of active users are increasing day by day. Mostly in India, cuz of Jio free internet in India. According to data, it prescribes that the number of youtube users in India is going to increase 25x in the next 5 years.

4. Most Non-Music Viewed Video

If you use YouTube you probably know that the most viewed video on youtube is Despacito which has total views till now 5.5 billion which is about 550 crore views and that's about the 80% of the world population.

Many of us think that only music videos got more views. But you don't know that there is a video titled Charlie bit my finger which has about 900 million total views on youtube. The video was uploaded 11 years ago on youtube. And still, now the views are increasing of Charlie bit my finger

If you want to watch the video you can click here.

3. Average View Duration Per User

You use YouTube for watching and streaming videos. But, can you assume that how much average view duration is there on youtube per user in one time.

Well, According to the data, The average view duration per user is about 1 hr. How? If you go to your youtube app to watch - How to increase weight in 1 week! You watch that video and then you watch another video like - Top reasons why your weight is not increasing! You can see that both the videos are of the same concepts. You have come to see one video but you watch more than 10 videos of the same concepts. 

YouTube has designed their algorithms in that manner so that the user came to watch one video and watched more than 10 videos of the same concepts or others, depending on the user.

Like I have searched How to increase weight, Other same videos are on the suggestion box.

2. YouTube started as an Online Dating Site

Many of you don't know that youtube was started as an online dating site. Yes, The founder of youtube Jawed Karim started youtube with not the concept of online streaming and broadcasting website. But it was started as an online dating site for girlfriends and boyfriends. But later on, the concept of youtube was changed and it was developed as an online broadcasting and streaming platform.

1. YouTube First Video

As many of us don't know that which was the first video on youtube. The first video on youtube was posted by the co-founder of youtube Me at the Zoo on April 23, 2005. The video was very small about 19 seconds, the video was uploaded by Jawed Karim on the same day when youtube launched to test his video. Now the video has about 55 million total views on youtube.

If you want to watch that video. Just click here.

PayPal Role In YouTube Creation

Now, If you don't know that there is a big role of PayPal in YouTube creation. Don't get confused YouTube was not created by PayPal. But it was created by the three members of PayPal named - 
Jawed Karim, Stev Chen, Chad Harley. These three members worked for PayPal before the creation of YouTube.

Facts About Amazon!

One Amazon employee walks about 18km per day. Read more!

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