Facts You Didn't Know About Amazon!

Hi, Guys welcome to another blog. Many of you have been heard of Amazon, Amazon is the world's biggest E-Commerce platform, you order, they deliver. But many of us didn't know the facts about Amazon. So, this blog is all about facts about Amazon. Welcome to Top ten facts about Amazon.

10. Amazon Starting

Many of us know that Amazon well known for his services and all over products. Also, many of us know Amazon sells more over than 12 Million products including electronics, cosmetics, kitchenware, Books, Clothing, Furniture, Gift Cards, and many more endless products. Can you guess how Amazon started selling his products, Well Amazon did not start selling all the products from the beginning, Maybe you don't know that Amazon started by selling books online like Flipkart did. Amazon started selling books before expanding into different categories. This is also a fact you should know.

9.  Started From Garage

Many of you know that Amazon was launched by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994. And many of you don't that Jeff Bezos started Amazon in his home garage and now it is one of the third largest internet tech companies in the world by revenue. Like Google started in a garage.

8. Secret Behind Amazon Logo

Many of you use Amazon for shopping and selling purpose. Some of you probably don't know about the logic behind the Amazon logo.

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You see the Amazon logo and maybe you can guess that the yellow color arrow is going from a to z, can you predict what is this, let's clear this, this logo specifies that in Amazon you will find A to Z products, in Amazon you can find every product you want to buy from it also, Amazon is expanding their business by giving services to their customers like Amazon Kindle, Amazon Prime Video and also many more services.

7. Amazon Services

Many of us use YouTube, Gmail, Google Drive, and other Google products that's look like different services are provided by Google to empower their services. Same Amazon provides different types of services you may don't know like Amazon Web Services, Amazon Prime Membership, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Business, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Affiliate Program, Amazon Selling Services, Amazon Studio, Amazon Video Direct, Amazon Drive, Amazon Donations, and many more services. I'm sure many of you don't know about these services provided by Amazon. If you want to know more about these services comment below I'll make another article including all services provided by Amazon.

6. Amazon Order Detecting Technique

This one is really interesting. When Amazon started there are limited customers means there are not many customers like currently today, To detect the orders that the buyer has ordered from Amazon they use Bell in their office like you order a book from Amazon and Amazon seemed to be a bell at their office to detect that order and as soon as you booked the order then Amazon understood that the order has taken place and after they work for that order to get delivered to respective owner of that book. But Amazon peers started coming out more, Amazon had to separate his bell's technique and make a proper system to detect the orders.

5. Amazon First Name

Many of you may not know that Amazon first name wasn't Amazon. Even Jeff Bezos didn't take the name Amazon for his e-Commerce company. Do you want to know Amazon first name was? Let me tell you Amazon's first name was Cadabra which is the combination of two Arabic words Abracadabra which means "I Will Create As I Speak" but the name was not favored by the employees, customers even the owner Jeff Bezos so, later the name changed by Amazon which is the world's longest river situated in South America.

4. Amazon Employees

Perhaps, many of you don't know that how much Amazon's employees do hard work, everyone does hard work but hard work like Amazon employees, Can you imagine on an average every employee that collects order walk 10 Miles per day it's about 16.5 km means normal can't walk that much in a day this shows the secret behind the Amazon fast delivery service.

3. Amazon Site Went Down

In 2012, Amazon's site went down for about 50 minutes, they missed nearly about $5.7 million dollars just imagine they suffered a loss of $5.7 million dollars for only about 50 Minutes, But you will be shocked that Amazon still serve more than 19.7 Million customers daily that's more than the entire population of Florida . This tells that how much load is there on Amazon's site.

2. Amazon Cloud Computing

Amazon Cloud Computing is a platform that started as the main motive to keep tracks of their orders from their Amazon's site. Now, it hosts about many big tech companies like Reddit, Netflix, Spotify, and even many government agencies. And also they own many like IMDb, Zappos and many more big companies.

1. Amazon Biggest BUG

Many of you don't know that when Amazon started their site there were too many bugs, that from Amazon has to suffer to a big loss. When they started their site there were too many programming errors on their site which later on leads to big foul play on their site but later on, the errors were fixed by the programmers.

So, I hope many of you enjoyed these facts about Amazon. Which is your favorite one comment below!

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